
substitute spray Learn more about substitute spray

  • The highly toxic pesticide paraquat remains banned, and the Council of Agriculture: the substitute spraying system cannot be pushed, and farmers: it is better not to spray farmers for marketing.

    The highly toxic pesticide paraquat remains banned, and the Council of Agriculture: the substitute spraying system cannot be pushed, and farmers: it is better not to spray farmers for marketing.

    The highly toxic pesticide paraquat remains banned, and the Council of Agriculture: the substitute spraying system cannot be pushed, and farmers: it is better not to spray farmers for marketing.

  • Winter Management of substitute cultivation of Lentinus edodes

    Winter Management of substitute cultivation of Lentinus edodes

    After the beginning of winter, the air temperature drops and the air relative humidity is low, so the management should focus on improving the temperature of the border bed, controlling ventilation, keeping warm and preventing cold. The corresponding management measures were taken for different strains, and the medium and high temperature strains had almost no hope of producing mushrooms below 10 ℃. At this time, water was sprayed in the afternoon combined with short ventilation to keep the bacteria rods moist and make them survive the winter smoothly. The strains of medium temperature type or medium low temperature type still have the hope of producing mushrooms in the provinces where the winter is not obvious. According to the weather forecast, we can avoid the cold current and make use of the short-term temperature rise gap.

  • Pesticides fall from the sky and are sprayed to rural mothers! Drone spray over the field, Prevention and Inspection Bureau: strengthen management in the future

    Pesticides fall from the sky and are sprayed to rural mothers! Drone spray over the field, Prevention and Inspection Bureau: strengthen management in the future

    Pesticides fall from the sky and are sprayed to rural mothers! Drone spray over the field, Prevention and Inspection Bureau: strengthen management in the future

  • Preliminary report on substitute cultivation of Gastrodia elata

    Preliminary report on substitute cultivation of Gastrodia elata

    Artificial cultivation of Gastrodia elata mainly uses oak, birch, hazel, elm, willow, jujube, locust, wild cherry and other broad-leaved trunks, and the diameter is more than 5cm. For a long time, forest resources have been seriously damaged and are on the verge of exhaustion. Therefore, the research on substitute cultivation technology of Gastrodia elata has gradually become a hot spot. At present, there are precedents for cultivation of Gastrodia elata with corn shaft, shrub seed, bract rice bone, bract rice pulp, branch, straw and so on, but there is no report about the cultivation of Gastrodia elata with cottonseed husk.

  • Outdoor substitute cultivation techniques of Lentinus edodes

    Outdoor substitute cultivation techniques of Lentinus edodes

    Lentinus edodes is one of the important edible mushrooms, which was originally wild and was first cultivated in China more than 800 years ago. Substitute cultivation is to use sawdust, mulberry branch powder, cottonseed shell and other artificial mushroom wood instead of mushroom wood to cultivate Lentinus edodes. This method has the advantages of wide resources, high yield, short production cycle and high economic benefits, so it is very suitable for the cultivation of farmers. The main results are as follows: 1. There are many varieties of Lentinus edodes, and the commonly used one is the medium and low temperature type. The optimum environmental conditions for this kind of Lentinus edodes are air temperature 24-27 ℃, water content of culture material about 60%, no light or weak light. The most suitable environment for mushroom production

  • Light cultivation techniques of Lentinus edodes with substitute material

    Light cultivation techniques of Lentinus edodes with substitute material

    Since the 1990s, the successful cultivation technology of mushroom in Qingyuan County Edible Mushroom Scientific Research Center has been rapidly popularized and applied to the whole country, which has made a great contribution to the transformation of Lentinus edodes production from quantity to quality in the vast rural areas. However, in the production of Lentinus edodes, the production of Lentinus edodes has been restricted by a large amount of work, such as sterilization of mushroom sticks, inoculation operation, manual bag cutting and so on, and the problems such as low rate of finished products, irregular mushroom production and abnormal mushroom body have been restricting the development of Lentinus edodes production, especially causing great obstacles to intensive production. To that end, I

  • Cultivation methods of low altitude substitute for Gastrodia elata, a valuable traditional Chinese medicine

    Cultivation methods of low altitude substitute for Gastrodia elata, a valuable traditional Chinese medicine

    Cultivation methods of low altitude substitute for Gastrodia elata, a valuable traditional Chinese medicine

  • Cultivation methods of substitute materials for Gastrodia elata at low altitude (1)

    Cultivation methods of substitute materials for Gastrodia elata at low altitude (1)

    Gastrodia elata is a kind of rare and precious traditional Chinese medicine, which used to rely on the wild and grow in the mountains above 500 meters above sea level. it is very rare and difficult to dig, and now it is facing extinction. The development of artificial cultivation of Gastrodia elata has saved this precious species, but technically it can not get rid of the cultivation at high altitude, and the raw materials can not be separated from the tree (oak), which makes the cultivation of Gastrodia elata has great regional limitations. Second, limited by the felling of forest resources, these two disadvantages have been perplexing the development of Gastrodia elata, which has never been able to form the modern Gastrodia elata.

  • Cultivation techniques of Lentinus edodes with bag material

    Cultivation techniques of Lentinus edodes with bag material

    Lentinus edodes is one of the earliest artificial cultivation of edible fungi in China. The traditional cultivation method is mainly Linden. Linden Lentinus edodes has compact texture and good quality, but the production cycle is long, the yield is low and the cost is high. Substitute cultivation technology has the advantages of wide source of raw materials, short production cycle, high yield and high income, so it has become the main way of Lentinus edodes cultivation at present. The production process of Lentinus edodes substitute cultivation can be divided into three aspects: bag making, bag removal and color conversion and mushroom production management. Bag-making Lentinus edodes is saprophytic bacteria, which does not contain chlorophyll and cannot be entered.

  • Cultivation method of substitute material for Gastrodia elata at low altitude

    Cultivation method of substitute material for Gastrodia elata at low altitude

    Gastrodia elata is a kind of rare and precious traditional Chinese medicine, which used to rely on the wild and grow in the mountains above 500 meters above sea level. it is very rare and difficult to dig, and now it is facing extinction. The development of artificial cultivation of Gastrodia elata has saved this precious species, but technically it can not get rid of the cultivation at high altitude, and the raw materials are also inseparable from Duan Mu.

  • Planting conditions of Auricularia auricula

    Planting conditions of Auricularia auricula

    Planting conditions of Auricularia auricula

  • The latest planting conditions of Auricularia auricula

    The latest planting conditions of Auricularia auricula

    In the process of growth and development of Auricularia auricula, the main external conditions are nutrition, temperature, moisture, light, air and pH. The most influential factors here are moisture and light. 1. Nutrition: the nutrient requirements for the growth of Auricularia auricula are carbohydrates and

    2020-11-10 The latest Auricularia auricula planting conditions growth and development
  • How to control scented osmanthus scale insects

    How to control scented osmanthus scale insects

    Often adults and larvae live on sweet-scented osmanthus branches to absorb juice, resulting in branches and leaves withering, serious death of the whole plant, often secreting a large number of honeydew, leading to the occurrence of soot bacteria. The leaves and stems are covered with black dirt stickiness, which hinders the light and function and affects the ornamental. There are mainly cotton blowing scale and mulberry white scale. Prevention and control method: it is strictly forbidden to use the vaccine of the substitute worm.

  • Silver liquid can prolong flower life.

    Silver liquid can prolong flower life.

    Silver liquid can prolong flower life.

  • Ganoderma lucidum cultivation technology: how to cultivate ganoderma lucidum?

    Ganoderma lucidum cultivation technology: how to cultivate ganoderma lucidum?

    How does Ganoderma lucidum grow? The artificial cultivation of Ganoderma lucidum in China began in 1960 and was successfully domesticated by Mr. Chen Meipeng, Institute of Edible Fungi, Shanghai City Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Ganoderma lucidum cultivation has two kinds: substitute cultivation and log cultivation. Substitute cultivation is to use artificial preparation of culture materials bagged, stacked in the shed culture...

  • The problem of artificial breeding scorpions needs attention

    The problem of artificial breeding scorpions needs attention

    Scorpion as a medicinal animal, has a high economic value, but most scorpion households due to lack of due technology and experience, leading to scorpion failure, economic damage, so remind the majority of scorpion households to pay attention to the following problems. Grasp the habits of scorpions

    2020-11-08 artificial breeding scorpions needs attention side problems
  • Cultivation techniques of Lentinus edodes

    Cultivation techniques of Lentinus edodes

    Cultivation techniques of Lentinus edodes

  • The latest course of fertilization techniques for High yield of Pumpkin

    The latest course of fertilization techniques for High yield of Pumpkin

    Pumpkin is one of our common vegetables, and it is also a favorite food for many people. Its fruit can be used as a delicacy or as a substitute for food, and the whole plant can be used medicinally. At present, it is cultivated all over the world, and many farmers always have a low yield when planting. In fact, this has something to do with pumpkins.

    2020-11-10 The latest pumpkin high yield fertilization techniques methods tutorials
  • How to plant Auricularia auricula in summer?

    How to plant Auricularia auricula in summer?

    How to plant Auricularia auricula in summer? Please guide the substitute cultivation of Auricularia auricula and Auricularia auricula can be planted in spring and autumn, most of which are cultivated in spring. However, spring planting is generally at low temperature in the early stage, and it is difficult to develop bacteria. In the later stage, the temperature of the ear is high and there are many malformed ears. In order to solve this problem, oversummer cultivation with soil mulching was carried out. Feed 200.

  • How to grow Dictyophora: planting time and technique

    How to grow Dictyophora: planting time and technique

    Dictyophora is a famous mushroom food, which tastes delicious and has high nutritional value. it can beautify beauty, fight cancer and prevent cancer, lower blood pressure and blood lipids, enhance physical resistance and so on. So do you know how to grow Dictyophora? The following editor will give you a detailed introduction.

    2020-11-08 Dictyophora how planting time and technology bamboo shoot yes famous